135 - Jingle All The Way — The Only* Podcast About Movies
135 - Jingle All The Way

135 - Jingle All The Way

Gather close with your loved ones, grab a glass of nog and settle in for a long winters review! This time tackling Arnie vehicle and Matt's favorite Xmas movie of all time! But will our lovable fun-hating film Scrooge Shahir be able to poison this "most honest" Christmas flick? Or will he learn the true reason for the season as he experiences the transcendence that is Turbo Time?

Also we answer a bunch of emails regarding "The Last Jedi" so be warned of some minor spoilerishness in there.

All of the two of us here at TOPAM wish you and yours joyous tidings and turbo-powered cheer. Happy Holidays everyone!

136 - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri

136 - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri

134 - Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

134 - Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi