194 - Holiday Films 2018 — The Only* Podcast About Movies
194 - Holiday Films 2018

194 - Holiday Films 2018

Jingle bells, Matthew smells and Shahir laid an egg. This podcast lost its grasp and Kurt Russell got away.. Hey!

We are the only podcast about movies (plural) which means we can occasional avoid watching ANY movies altogether and instead crowdsource our favorite holiday cinema experiences from friends we record at parties in our studio.

Join Matt and Shahir as we ask a full panel of jolly the age old question, which movie should you watch during the holidays and why isn't it Die Hard?

Also, we want to send a huge happy holidays to all of our listeners and friends who listen in every week. We most certainly wouldn't be the only podcast if it weren't for you all being the only listeners :)

If you want to send us a Xmas card, you'll have to scan it and email us at onlymoviepodcast@gmail.com or tweet it to us at www.twitter.com/onlymoviepod

195 - The Favourite

195 - The Favourite

193 - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse

193 - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse