144 - The Post — The Only* Podcast About Movies
144 - The Post

144 - The Post

Spielberg, Hanks, Streep. If you only needed three names to persuade you to go see a movie, those would be the top choices.

But we're going to add three more this week, Daud, Krol and Slade. We're joined by comedian, philosopher, photographer and the trillest guy we know, Alzo Slade (twitter.com/alzoslade) to talk about how The Post stacks up against history both recent and distant.

Oh yeah, we might revisit that Spotlight conversation once or twice.

If you think all the news that's fit to print could be condensed into a single email about our show, send it our way at onlymoviedpocast@gmail.com. Or if you've only got 140 characters, tweet us at twitter.com/onlymoviepod

Also keep those reviews coming into our iTunes page if you'd like to help us spread the good word!

145 - Black Panther

145 - Black Panther

Ep 143 - The Cloverfield Paradox

Ep 143 - The Cloverfield Paradox