155 - The Road to Infinity War: Phase Two — The Only* Podcast About Movies
155 - The Road to Infinity War: Phase Two

155 - The Road to Infinity War: Phase Two

If everyone creates the thing they dread… what does that say about us?!

Our MCU discussion continues with Phase 2: Marvel’s awkward teenage years! Join Matt and returning guest Co-Host Shalyah Evans as we talk sterilized assassin's, trading repulsor blasts for bullets and superhero PTSD. Plus non-depressing topics to!

Films discussed in this episode:
- Iron Man 3
- Thor: The Dark World
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 1
- The Avengers: Age of Ultron
- Ant Man

156 - A Quiet Place

156 - A Quiet Place

154 - The Death of Stalin

154 - The Death of Stalin