164 - Psychokinesis — The Only* Podcast About Movies
164 - Psychokinesis

164 - Psychokinesis

Released on Netflix the same week as another superhero movie made by a little studio called Marvel, Yeon Sang-ho's Psychokinesis has been called one of the finest genre films of the decade. That means it's time for Matt and Shahir to suit up, fly into action and review the first Korean superhero film.

What makes a superhero movie a superhero movie? Super strength, flying... or is it the capes? The guys try to figure out how to identify a superhero film even when that film doesn't follow every arbitrary rule they think is important.

If you've figured out their secret identities email Matt and Shahir your thinly veiled threats to onlymoviepodcast@gmail.com or unmask them on Twitter at www.twitter.com/onlymoviepod

165 - Hereditary

165 - Hereditary

163 - Solo: A Star Wars Story

163 - Solo: A Star Wars Story