321 - The Mitchells vs. The Machines — The Only* Podcast About Movies
321 - The Mitchells vs. The Machines

321 - The Mitchells vs. The Machines

It's Matt vs. Shahir vs. The Mitchells vs. The Machines in an all out road trip robopocalypse full of real steel, asphalt and memes... lots of memes. Also, stay tuned for an Oscars roundup after the main discussion!

Should you swipe right, left, zoom, pinch or double tap Michael Rianda and Jeff Rowe's family friendly comedy that fits right into the Lord and Miller universe?

Movie conversation begins at 0:05:15
Oscars discussion begins at 1:00:15

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322 - About Endlessness

322 - About Endlessness

320 - Mortal Kombat

320 - Mortal Kombat