Ep 24 - The Revenant — The Only* Podcast About Movies
Ep 24 - The Revenant

Ep 24 - The Revenant

Let's take a trip way down Missouri way, where the pelts are freshly caught and the bears are friendly. That's right... it's The ONLY Podcast About Movies review of The Revenant! 
Matt and Shahir are joined by fact checking extraordinaire Jess Tucker (@MothaTucka) and Director of Photography Jimmy Ferguson (jwjferguson.com/) to discuss Emmanuel Lubezki's extraordinary use of natural light and how to properly pronounce Alejandro G. Iñárritu's name!

As always, email us feedback at onlymoviepodcast@gmail.com or hit us up @onlymoviepod.

Ep 25 - Room

Ep 25 - Room

Ep 23 - 2015 Year In Review

Ep 23 - 2015 Year In Review