Ep 284 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World — The Only* Podcast About Movies
Ep 284 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Ep 284 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

We are sex bob-omb and we’re here to watch Scott Pilgrim and discuss it with Jess Tucker and stuff! It’s the ten year anniversary of Edgar Wright's adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley’s comic book which means it’s time to revisit this cult classic and see how testy Jess, fanboy Matt and sadboy Shahir all react to Scott Pilgrim kicking your teeth in! Email our evil exes at onlymoviepodcast@gmail.com or send us your garlic bread recipes to us via Twitter at www.twitter.com/onlymoviepod. We still have one King of Staten Island Blu Ray to give away - so email us in for that! Film conversation begins at 13:55

Ep 285 - The Hunt

Ep 285 - The Hunt

Ep 283 - The Assistant

Ep 283 - The Assistant