191 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs — The Only* Podcast About Movies
191 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

191 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

We might be hanging out the passenger side of our best friends ride, but that don’t mean we don’t want no Scruggs!

In fact, The Coen's latest anthology of short films might just be the kind of ballad we’re hollering for. Join us as we dissect each individual short and attempt to decipher the broader meaning of this delightful assemblage of stories from the old West.

Send us your thoughts in clear delineated chapters to onlymoviepodcast@gmail.com or scowl at us like an ominous owl on twitter at www.twitter.com/onlymoviepod.

192 - Roma

192 - Roma

190 - Widows

190 - Widows