192 - Roma — The Only* Podcast About Movies
192 - Roma

192 - Roma

This might be the first entirely spoiler free review we've done, so jump right in even if you aren't willing to make the pilgrimage to your local theater (or login to your Netflix account!)

Fusing subjective memory with all the technical craft of a major blockbuster, Alfonso Cuarón returns 5 years after defying Gravity to deliver the uniquely personal story of Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio), a nanny and housekeeper to a family living in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City. Shahir and Matt discuss subjectivity, authenticity and whether this Oscar front-runner lives up to the hype (hint: it does!)

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193 - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse

193 - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse

191 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

191 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs